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Calgary ChocoSweeats Factorie

Calgary ChocoSweeats Factorie
59 Whitman Crescent NE
Calgary AB
Booth: 709

Company Description:

Calgary ChocoSweeats Factorie started in 2019 is a family-owned business based in Alberta, Calgary. Calgary ChocoSweeats Factorie offers specialty bars that don’t exist anywhere else in the world. We have formulated specialty flavors that are unique to Calgary ChocoSweeats Factorie. All of these bars are mouth-wateringly delicious and are a must-try. So, tick Calgary ChocoSweeats Factorie off your bucket list, we promise you will not be disappointed.

Our motto is clearly defined in our logo – ‘We Build Sweet Relations’. For us, the way we build a relation of chocolate and fruit and create a masterpiece it's important for us that our customers get the same unique experience so that we can build a long-lasting Sweet Relation.

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